

Firecircle is ready to be your tourism training partner!

Are you a tourism destination management organization or economic development agency? If you’ve been looking for affordable, effective tourism development programs for your community, Firecircle offers several robust options. What are you and your local businesses interested in?

  • Attracting new tourism businesses or repointing existing businesses?
  • Developing remarkable tourism experiences?
  • Inclusion and accessibility education for tourism businesses and the destination? 
  • Accommodations business training?
  • Culinary business optimization?
  • Funding and investment readiness knowledge? 
  • Indigenous tourism development?
  • Partnerships and packaging?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Firecircle can provide you with the programs you’re seeking. We work closely with Economic Development Officers, Community Administrators, Tourism Associations and Destination Management Organizations across Canada. 

A group package may be what your organization needs to help advance tourism in your community! 

Ask us about group discounts and group mentorship for 10 or more participants - or become an affiliate and earn commissions on our programs. Or perhaps your organization is looking for a comprehensive suite of programs: become a a licensee with a minimum of 20 keys per year for your destination with access our ALL of our Firecircle programs, including our award-winning Firecircle 5x5 MethodTM, our latest masterclasses, marketing labs, optional on-site mentorship directly with your tourism operators, local conference speaking and more - all supported by our signature group and in-person mentorship and resource library.


The Firecircle team can help groups:

  • Encourage alignment with your regional tourism strategy and fill gaps in your tourism infrastructure
  • Encourage and help develop tourism market readiness
  • Create special resources for your community on the Firecircle platform
  • Help new businesses integrate into your existing economic development strategies
  • Promote local business partnerships and packaging of services
  • Find efficiencies for businesses in your community through bulk supply purchasing
  • Provide group services such as low cost web design, bookkeeping, grant writing, and more!

Looking for a custom solution? 

Firecircle has expertise in all areas of tourism and hospitality marketing, sales, design, operations and financial management.

Ask about a custom workshop or program in any of the following:

  • Fixed-Roof Accommodations Design and Operations
  • Outdoor Hospitality (RV and Glamping)
  • Culinary Experience Design and Operations
  • Physical Product and Facilities Design
  • Tourism Experience Design
  • Partnerships, Packaging and Pricing
  • Agritourism
  • Accessible Tourism Operations and Facilities Design
  • Wellness Programming
  • Recreational Programming

Fill in our inquiry form, below, and let's make some magic happen in your destination.

We’d love to know a bit about your destination and your needs.

Contact us to learn what is possible and how to get started.